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Discover and Live Your Life Calling



It's Time to Experience Midlife Breakthrough.

Stop going through the motions and start living a life you love.

Double Your Impact and Fulfillment by Living From Your True Identity.

Discover how coaching can help you 10x your second half of life.

Are You Searching for Something?

Most of Us Are.

I've spoken with hundreds of clients and people who come to me wrestling with questions like...

Who am I?

What am I supposed to do with my life?

How can I do what matters most to me?

Sound familiar? If you're asking these questions (especially in the second half of life), you're not alone.

Surprisingly, the answers to these important questions often lead us out of mid-life stagnation and into the journey to our dreams.

Knowing WHO we are gives direction to HOW we live, and will save you years of unproductive effort.

It's not too late to live the extraordinary life you've always wanted.  

Guidance to help you discover and live a life you love.

Vocaré means "to call"

Vocaré Coaching exists to help you discover your unique life calling, which flows from your God given identity.

Through our work together you'll...

  • Understand your unique personality.
  • Discover your Zone of Genius - what you do better than anyone.
  • See the gold in your life experiences (even the painful ones).
  • Gain skills and tools to simplify your life.
  • Know how to live with joy and purpose daily.
  • Identify and start achieving your dreams.

You'll live your best and most meaningful life through discovering the depth of who you are, what you were put on this earth to do, and then equipping you to to make your life vision a reality.  



What's the Process?

Let's Chat!

I'll provide a safe place for you to share what's on your mind, where you are in life, and where you want to be. Simply schedule a time and we'll chat during a free, no obligation Zoom call.

Discover What's Possible

You'll be guided to discover powerful insights about who you uniquely are, where you're getting stuck, and what you need to move forward. This call alone is powerful.

Determine Next Steps

With your goals in mind, we'll clarify your best next step. Whether that's working together, or not, you'll get the personalized support you need to move closer to the life you want.

You're in the Right Place

Even the highest level achievers I work with know they're capable of more.  They have a restless desire for greater impact and enjoyment - for what makes them feel truly ALIVE.

My guess is you feel that too.

Unfortunately, most people try to satisfy their desire in a way that sets them up to fail. Or worse, discover that the success they achieved wasn't something they actually wanted. 

There is a way to achieve the results you truly desire, that's infinitely more effective. 

Coaching can move you from a place of frustration to fulfillment. All you're missing is a few small keys that will open the big doors standing between you and the unique dreams in your heart.

What are you waiting for?

The Five Stages of a Dream

Everybody has a dream. Unfortunately not everyone knows what theirs is, or how to achieve it. This guide will walk you through the five stages that every dream goes through from Discovery to accomplishing your Dream. It will also show you where most people get tripped up and abandon their dreams altogether. 

Download this FREE tool to discover how knowing these stages can empower you to make your dreams a reality.

Take Your Dreams From Impossible to Inevitable!

Coaching is the best way to do it. It's why elite high performers have a coach in their corner. Once you've tackled your first dream, you'll know exactly how to do it again, and again, and again!

Your Questions and Desires Are Too Important to Ignore

Investing in yourself can change everything about your life and future. Schedule a free, no strings attached conversation, to share what's on your mind, gain clarity, and consider how coaching will give you the tools to gain clarity regarding your questions and become the person you desire be!

"I feel such HOPE! These tools are so practical and helpful and this process has brought about such significant change, and so quickly. I feel like I'm finally living my life!"

Renee S.
Retired Teacher

"A shift has happened in me that's remarkable...I'm starting to love myself better and even like myself!"

Kate R.
Stay at home mom

"Coaching has been beyond inspiring! I’ve seen instances where I’ve reacted differently than normal which is so encouraging! I’ve never seen growth like that in myself before. My circumstances didn’t change, but I was different in those situations! It’s really miraculous!"

Julie A.

You're in Good Hands 

I know what it's like to be stuck, living on autopilot.

For way too long I wrestled with the questions "who am I?" and "what am I supposed to do with my life?"

At some point living life on default and from a place of fear was finally enough. So I got coaching. And everything changed. Everything!   

I now help people just like you, discover who they are, their unique abilities, and how to accomplish their dreams with the one incredible life they've been given.

Regardless of the stage you're in, I'll help you gain the awareness you need to take action and accomplish the things you really want in life.

I'll teach you how to understand why you do what you do, live more intentionally, and courageously accomplish the dreams you've given up on! 

It's never too late to become the person you know you can be. What are you waiting for?

Life Is for Living - Are You Living Fully Alive?

If not, let's connect. I'd love to support you in finding deeper fulfillment, purpose, and joy in your life.

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Receive high value coaching questions and tools that will provoke your thinking and inspire you to keep growing and pursuing your dreams. These resources alone can bring significant transformation to growth minded men and women. 

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